Moo in your ELC

Music is an essential part of childrens development and our musical sessions are positive, uplifting, fun and educational.

The Maggie Moo Music songs and sessions are a perfect compliment to your pre-school, day care or Early Learning Centre.

As a director it can be challenging finding relevant extra curricular programmes that link children’s activities and experiences with the Early Years Learning Framework. We understand that and can reassure you that Maggie Moo Music ticks the boxes. Maggie Moo Music has been created by an exceptional team of professional songwriters and education experts, to ensure that our songs work alongside the EYLF. Each and every song can be linked back to the Belonging, Being and Becoming principles within the Framework.

Maggie Moo Music is designed to cater to children from 6 weeks to 5 years old, with three different target age levels, Baby Moo (babies), Mini Moo (toddlers) and Maxi Moo (Preschool/ Kindergarten). Our sessions provide children with the opportunity to sing, dance, play games, copy actions and explore different instruments and materials while engaging in a whole range of developmental skills such as language, cognition, co-ordination plus gross motor, fine motor, sensory and visual.

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