Have a Moo Doo

We love Moo Doos.

We love the weekly Maggie Moo Music sessions but every now and then we get to go to a Moo Doo and have a bit of extra Moo fun.

A Moo Doo is a fantastic way of celebrating a birthday what ever age you are. It can be in your home or in a public hall and you can have just a few friends or a whole host of people. We can supply all of the invites for you and even provide the birthday child with a Maggie Moo Music present and card and play ‘It’s Your Birthday’ for everyone to sing along to. Find your local farmer and contact them for more details.

A Moo Doo isn’t always for a birthday party. Last week we were at the school fete at the school where our big brothers and sisters go and to our complete joy there was a Moo Doo going on in the playground. Moo Doos often happen in the school holidays too as extras to the weekly term time sessions and we usually take our older brothers and sisters along so share the Moo joy with them.

Moo Doos are great for any events where we need entertaining. We aren’t as good as adults at entertaining ourselves so the Moo Doos give us a chance to have our own fun and our parents can continue with their boring conversations! Often our parents come to the Moo Doos with us to get out of the boring conversations and have some Moo fun.

A Moo Doo can be an event in it’s own right and can also be part of another event or party, from school fetes to weddings!

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