The science of Baby white noise
White noise is a sound that’s similar to the sound of rushing water or a fan. And, it’s great for helping babies sleep. It helps them block out unwanted noises and relaxes them so they can fall asleep more easily. But what exactly is white noise? What does it do? And how can you use it in your home with your baby? Here’s everything you need to know about this helpful tool:
White noise and infants
You may have heard of white noise, but you might not understand how it works. White noise is a sound that has no specific frequency or pitch. It also doesn’t have a particular tone—it’s just a steady background hum. This sound can be incredibly soothing for infants and adults alike, but what does it actually do? In this post, we’ll explore why humans find white noise so comforting and how it can help your baby sleep better at night.
How White Noise Helps Babies Sleep Better
- White noise helps babies sleep better.
- Babies can sleep in a noisy environment with white noise.
- White noise can help babies sleep in a quiet environment.
- Darkness is not required for white noise to be effective at helping your baby get to sleep, but it does enhance the effect of what’s known as “masking.” Masking is used by therapists to mask unpleasant noises and help people who are sensitive to certain sounds fall asleep or stay asleep. It works by providing another sound that’s quieter than the one you’re trying not to hear, but louder than silence—hence why you can hear your own heartbeat when you press your ear up against someone else’s chest (and why your heartbeat becomes much louder when you hold something over it).
What Is The Best Sound For Babies?
The most important thing to remember is that white noise is a safe sound to play for babies. It’s also calming, not annoying or too loud or soft, and not too high-pitched.
White noise helps babies feel more secure by providing a constant and predictable background sound that masks other noises in the environment. In fact, this effect has been shown in studies of adults as well—environments with more unpredictable sounds cause an increased sense of anxiety and unease which can lead to insomnia. Because it helps infants sleep better (and get the deep sleep needed for healthy development), white noise is one of those things you need on hand from day one!
How to play white noise for a child
White noise is a great way to soothe your baby and help her sleep. But if you’re just starting out with white noise, it can be tricky to figure out how to get the right balance of sound. Here are some tips for getting started:
- Start with a low volume and gradually increase it over time. The first time you hear white noise, it can seem overwhelming! If that’s the case, turn down the volume until the sound feels manageable for both you and your baby. It might be helpful to keep other household sounds at lower levels as well while you’re adjusting—no need for background music or TV while they’re trying something new!
- Try using different kinds of sounds as white noise (or “pink” noise). Some parents find that one style works better than others for their child; try experimenting with different types (for example rainforest sounds vs ocean waves) until you find one that makes everyone happy!
Use white noise!
If you’re looking for a way to help your baby sleep, focus, relax or calm down, consider using white noise. The National Sleep Foundation recommends using it as a tool in helping your infant (or even yourself) sleep through the night.
White noise can be used in all sorts of situations—at home or on the go—for both babies and adults.
Now that you have a better idea of how white noise can help babies sleep, it’s time to get started! Remember that the best way to use white noise is by playing it consistently in the background so it can become part of their everyday lives. If you want to give your baby a good start in life by helping them sleep better, then these tips are all very useful.