What Doo We Doo at Maggie Moo Music USA
We Sing
We Move
We Play
We Learn
We Have Fun
We Love It
About Maggie Moo Music USA
At Maggie Moo Music USA we offer music, movement, and sensory sessions to suit babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. Our music classes include Moo Born, Baby Moo, Mini Moo, Maxi Moo, and Mixed Moo. We also offer Mobile Music Sessions, Moo Doos (moosical birthday parties!), and music sessions in pre-schools and Kindergartens. Below you’ll find out about Maggie Moo Music USA and the different music classes so you can find what suits your little one best. For your own, Maggie Moo Music USA Business opportunity, click here.

Moo Born
Birth to 6 months
Moo Born is a lovely calm music session with a focus on sensory development and bonding with your baby. The benefits of music for babies are scientifically proven. Every area of the brain is stimulated when babies engage in musical activity. Babies love the gentle movements to the rhythm of the music and the introduction of sensory stimulation. The exploration of sound, repetition of songs, and activities will develop a lifelong love of music in your little one.
Baby Moo
Birth to walking
Baby Moo Music is a sensory Music session aimed at babies from birth until they are confidently walking. The benefits of sensory activities involving music for babies are scientifically proven. Every area of the brain is stimulated when babies engage in musical activity. Music helps develop communication and language skills, physical competence, social skills, creativity, and imagination as well as being a lovely, fun way to interact with your little one. There is something to learn in every Maggie Moo Music song as they have been developed by a team of early childhood education experts and professional musicians. At Baby Moo, we use singing, age-appropriate instruments, and props. The exploration of sound, repetition of songs, and activities such as keeping a steady beat will develop a lifelong love of music in your little one.

Mixed Moo
All ages up to 6 years old
Mixed Moo sessions are great for parents/carers with children of different ages or a joint sibling activity. We use singing, movement, games, sensory play, creative role play, and instruments to the fantastic and original Maggie Moo Music songs. Exploring the Early Years Learning Framework, the children have so much fun whilst they don’t even realize they’re learning. Mixed Moo is a fantastic class for developing personal and social skills as children interact with one another. All activities are age-appropriate to the abilities of the children in the group.
Mini Moo
Walking to 3 years old
Mini Moo sessions are designed for toddlers walking to 3 years old. Our songs, props, and activities are perfect for keeping the children entertained and stimulated in a learning environment. Bring along a friend to have additional fun and make new friends at our moosical sessions.

Maxi Moo
Children 3 to 6 years old.
Popular with Early Learning Centres. Maxi Moo sessions are designed for children aged 3 to 6 years old. We use singing, movement, games, sensory play, creative role play, and instrument work, all set to Maggie Moo Music songs. Furthermore, exploring many areas of the Early Years Learning Framework. The children have fun and don’t realize they are learning.
Messy Moo
Sitting to 6 year olds
Children love Messy Moo and so do parents/carers who don’t have to clean up! Messy Moo Sessions are developed for children up to 6 years of age. Messy Moo sessions promote sensory explorations, foster imagination, enhance color recognition, encourage experiments and create a positive attitude towards new experiences. Most importantly, babies and children can explore in conjunction with our educational Maggie Moo Music, which further enhances their learning experience! So come and join us for some Messy Moosical Fun.

Mindful Moo
A calm sensory session for under 5's
Mindful Moo is a beautiful calm sensory experience. We’ve selected from our range of over 125+ songs, the songs that best promote calm and mindfulness. Mindfulness can help children improve their ability to pay attention, calm down when they are upset, to notice their surroundings, and understand their feelings. We believe that our Mindful Moo sessions are a beautiful experience for both child and parent/carer. These sessions are also popular in pre-school and childcare centers.
Grand Moo
A special session shared with the elderly
Grand Moo Music sessions are designed to delight both young moovers and the elderly. This is an opportunity to bring everyone together for music, fun, laughter, and an educational sensory-based experience. The benefits of our elderly population engaging with young children are well known to professionals working with the elderly and the young. When music is added to the equation a beautiful result is created.

Moo Doos
Birthday parties or special events
A Moo Doo is a fantastic way of celebrating a birthday whatever age your child is. It can be in your home or a public hall and you can have just a few friends or a whole bunch of people. Moo Doos are great for any event where children need entertaining. A Moo Doo can be an event in its own right and can also be part of another event or party, from school fetes, christenings, adult celebrations to weddings!
Mobile Moo
The Music session that comes to yoo!
If you are part of a parents group that meets regularly. Maggie Moo music could be part of your catch-up? We tailor the session to the children’s ages, bring everything we need to create a truly rewarding session in your home or play center. It’s a great way to experience Maggie Moo Music together! We set up and clear up, so it’s a no-hassle experience for the Host.

Maggie Moo Music USA in your ELC
Music is an essential part of children’s development and our musical sessions are positive, uplifting, fun, and educational.
Maggie Moo Music songs and sessions are a perfect complement to your pre-school, daycare, or Early Learning Centre.
As a director, it can be challenging to find relevant programs that link children’s activities and experiences with the Early Years Learning Framework. We understand that and can reassure you that Maggie Moo Music ticks the boxes. Maggie Moo Music has been created by an exceptional team of professional songwriters and education experts to ensure that our songs work alongside the EYLF. Each and every song can be linked back to the Belonging, Being, and Becoming principles within the Framework.
Maggie Moo Music is designed to cater to children from 6 weeks to 5 years old, with three different target age levels, Baby Moo (babies), Mini Moo (toddlers), and Maxi Moo (Preschool/ Kindergarten). Our sessions provide children with the opportunity to sing, dance, play games, copy actions and explore different instruments and materials while engaging in a whole range of developmental skills such as language, cognition, coordination plus gross motor, fine motor, sensory and visual.